
If you’re already a Knight Errant or Knight of the Realm then click Login in the top righthand corner of your screen to get back to the member only areas.

Knight Errant

Content fit for any rank of Knight, free for all!

As a Knight Errant you can enjoy bi-weekly videos either here or on our YouTube channel completely free!. They’ll consist of a ‘Free Council’ competitive Warhammer: The Old World battle report; and a Trial by Combat where we pit three challengers against the perilous trials to see who comes out on top!

Knights Errant can also enjoy our weekly Old World reaction videos covering any new releases, events or news in the world of Warhammer!

Knight of the Realm

Become a full fledged Knight of the Realm for just 4 gold crowns a month! (That’s just £4 to us non-Old World citizens!); or sign up for a whole year and get two months free!

Every year
Every month

With a Knight of the Realm subscription you can enjoy 3 an extra videos per month (so that’s at least one every week!). These Realm level videos will be a mixture of competitive battle reports, narrative battle reports, and deep dive analysis videos. These videos will only be available from the Knight of the Realm Mustering Ground; the exclusive, Knight of the Realm only, area of the website.

In addition Knights of the Realm will get access to an exclusive area in the TCW Discord channel where each week one of the team will be spending some time to chat with you all.